Feel Physics

Develop physics education HoloLens apps and Deliver lessons


Today's Topic

Magnetic field lines can be displayed dynamically even when there are multiple bar magnets. This student, would you please rejoice?

Today's Topic

We found that the longer the experience time the better the learning effect and the satisfaction, so we added two HoloLens. With this, 50 minutes lesson and 40 students can afford a lesson, and even at the event I will judge a large number…

Today's Topic

【3rd phase】 Physical heat engine graphs are also obvious if you look at visual simulation using ICT. It is 40 seconds. I used a product called a simulation box.

Today's Topic

HoloLens Meetup I have been demonstrating the sharing of magnetic field learning applications in Osaka. Everyone seemed to be having fun, never falling down, I was relieved. This can go on!

Today's Topic

We made it possible for multiple people to experience magnetic field learning application at the same time. I will incorporate it into an application to make from now on.

Today's Topic

【2nd bullet】 Graph of physical heat engine can also be seen clearly by visual simulation using ICT. It is 40 seconds. I used a product called a simulation box.

Today's Topic

It seems to be a chemistry class. Was the electronic blackboard also here too?

Today's Topic

Graphs of physical heat engines are also obvious if you look at visual simulations. It is 40 seconds. I used a product called a simulation box.