Feel Physics

Develop physics education HoloLens apps and Deliver lessons


Today's Topic

【Video】生卵とゆで卵。Raw and boiled egg ゆで卵は中身全部が運動するが、生卵は中身は運動しない分、回りやすくて先に降る。 All the contents of the boiled egg move, but raw eggs are easy to rotate because they do not move contents, they fall …

Today's Topic

【Video】大気圧とイス Atmospheric pressure and chair 愛知物理サークル:大気圧で椅子を持ち上げる Aichi Physical Circle: Lift the chair at atmospheric pressure http://bit.ly/2gC8cXo

Today's Topic

【Video】円運動と単振動 Circle and Simple Vibration 愛知物理サークル:円運動を横から見ると単振動 Aichi Physical Circle: When viewing a circular movement from the side, a simple vibration http://bit.ly/2go4qOe

Today's Topic

【Video】大気圧と水 Atmospheric pressure and water. 愛知物理サークル:ペットボトルに穴を開けても水はこぼれない。ざっくり切っても花さしにできる。 Aichi Physical Circle: Even if you drill a hole in a plastic bottle, water will not spill. You…

We released app you can understand physical concept only by riding in a vehicle

Physics comes out thing called speed-time graph (VT graph). However, since it is difficult to see a realistic VT graph, conceptually not only learn, it is to hard to understand. So we have developed a Concerning Copyrights to draw the VT g…

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Today's Topic

The first barrier of #Dynamics , x-t graph, v-t graph, a-t graph. The features of #physics is the difficulty from the beginning.

Today's Topic

Topic from #StarWars

Today's Topic


Today's Topic

#NewEducationExpo 電子顕微鏡。580万円。まあこれくらいの価格でしょう。ウチダ。 http://feelphysics.education

Today's Topic

#科学ジョーク 「なんのスイッチかわからないときは、押してはいけません」

Today's Topic

View from the entire universe to #galaxy , the stars, and #planet system

Today's Topic

#NewEducationExpo タブレットが付属した顕微鏡。顕微鏡は「内田製」と言っていたが…?Androidタブレットの向きが変わらないと説明員が悲鳴。 http://feelphysics.education

Today's Topic


Today's Topic

宇宙全体から #銀河 、星々、そして #惑星 系までの図

Today's Topic

#NewEducationExpo #IoT 百葉箱。Intel #Edison がむきだし4G通信用USBがつながっています。 http://feelphysics.education

Today's Topic

#ドルトン から #シュレーディンガー までの原子モデル。 #ボーア が #電子軌道 を提案した。

Today's Topic

#AtomicModel from #Dalton to #Schrodinger. #Bohr proposed #ElectronOrbit.

Today's Topic

#NewEducationExpo 言わずと知れた #Studyaid 。PDF出力してタプレットに入れることができるようになった。あとは数式のコピー&ペーストなど。 数研出版。 http://feelphysics.education

Today's Topic

#ScienceHumor #Pi can not write down in numbers although it is possible to copy in the mirror

Today's Topic

#Speedometer of a new bike: A #magnet (center) that is attached to the spokes of the wheel turn on and off the magnet switch( #reedswitch ,right), the speed is determined from the sense of time. Presented by teacher Jin Ito.

Today's Topic

# Is not #physics, but what is this? We should have seen the mother tongue version.

Today's Topic

Sounds Nice! #Physics #humor

Today's Topic

#Speedometer of old bicycle The rotation of the wheels becomes a power in the speedometer, move the #spiral #spring F = kθ. Presented by teacher Jin Ito.

Today's Topic

#Cern 's hadron collider #steinsgate

Today's Topic

Interesting Facts about Mars

Today's Topic

Mnemonic of the #equation of #motion “F = ma”

Today's Topic

stepper moter from flopy disk driver

Today's Topic

stepper moter from flopy disk driver

Today's Topic

A visual cheat sheet about electrical #physics , containing the most important #formulas of current and #Ohm 's law expressed through an impossible #water #circuit analogy.