Feel Physics

Develop physics education HoloLens apps and Deliver lessons

Today's Topic

Emphasis on discussion-group activities. Benesse, 2016, implementing the "6th teaching basic research" to target schools nationwide. Elementary and junior high school teachers are aware of the "discussion of each other students" and "group activity," such as cooperative learning methods, conscious reduction in the "repetitive exercises such as calculations and Chinese characters." I personally want to wish that it going to the "second room". http://edtech-media.com/2017/03/23/gakusyusidoukihontyousa-6/https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s130x130/17553418_627880844048805_5855507055338409339_n.png?oh=d8778a5787bf137754a2e4fef34c4c92&oe= 596EC9FF